Tarascon sur Ariège (The Prehistory Park and the Caves of Niaux)

Tarascon sur Ariège (The Prehistory Park and the Caves of Niaux)

Just 30 minutes from the Auberge des Myrtilles, Tarascon-sur-Ariège is a destination rich in history and discoveries. Nestled in the heart of the Pyrenees, this charming town is renowned for being home to two prehistoric gems: the Prehistory Park and the Niaux Caves.

The Prehistory Park offers a captivating dive into the past, with life-size reconstructions and interactive activities allowing you to understand the daily life of our ancestors. An immersive experience that will delight young and old.

The Caves of Niaux, for their part, reveal treasures of cave art dating back more than 14,000 years. During a guided tour, visitors can admire the exceptionally preserved rock paintings, unique testimonies to the creativity and spirituality of prehistoric men.

Beyond these emblematic sites, Tarascon-sur-Ariège also offers magnificent landscapes ideal for hiking and discovering the surrounding nature. A not-to-be-missed getaway for history and adventure enthusiasts.